We are proud to share the first sustainability report of Cantiere del Pardo. Our commitment to environmental and social responsibility, along with the goal of integrating sustainability principles, forms the basis of our development strategy. In this year’s report, we present the results and milestones achieved in this first year of reporting. Among our future sustainability goals, our shipyard is working to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions inventory and achieve certification according to the UNI EN ISO 14064:2019 standard by 2023. Additionally, 2022 was an important year for promoting the well-being and development of Cantiere del Pardo’s personnel through the signing of the “Company Integrative Agreement 2022-2025,” aiming to have bigger participation of employees in achieving corporate objectives in the next three years. This marks the beginning of a challenging journey, but we have confidence in the dedication of all our people to become an increasingly sustainable company while maintaining high standards of quality for comfortable and safe navigation.